craft, Domesticity

College-ruled T-shirts

So I recently made these really adorable and easy shirts for my girls.  They are made to look like a piece of notebook paper and remind me of school, so with school just beginning for the year and office supplies everywhere for sale…  well you get where my motivation to create these came from. 

Here is a quick and simple tutorial for making them:

1.  First you need a white T-shirt (I got the girl’s shirts a while back at Hobby Lobby when they did the 50% off shirts so they cost 1.50 each.  You will also need blue and red paint (fabric paint or acrylic with fabric paint additive), a paint brush, poster board to put inside the shirt so the paint doesn’t leak to the back and wide masking tape.

2.  Next, take the masking tape and tape off the shirt where you want your blue lines to be.  I found that the extra wide masking tape was perfect for the size of space I wanted between the blue lines.  I also just let the tape go over the edges and stick to the table to hold the shirt in place as I painted.

3.  Paint between the tape with the blue paint and let dry.

4.  Remove the tape.

5.  Tape again where you want the red line to go vertically.

6.  Paint red between the tape.

7.  Let this dry and the next part is optional, I had a black paint pen and let Katie help me write her name “at the top of the sheet of paper” 🙂  I wrote it and she helped guide my hand, so its not perfect but its personal and that’s what counts for me.  She loved helping and when it was Bella’s turn she loved it too. 

8.  Remove the tape from the red line and when everything is dry remove the poster board from the T-shirt and you’re all done!

Of course Bella wanted one too 🙂

Thanks for visiting my blog!  Hope you enjoyed the post 🙂  Happy crafting!


18 thoughts on “College-ruled T-shirts”

  1. These are absolutely beautiful!! I hope you dont mind if i share your blog..and i am definitely going to try this!! Thx!

  2. What about adding the 3 “holes” on the side before the red line? 3 black circles filled in maybe?? 🙂

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