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Leap Day!

Happy February 29th friends! I awoke this morning to my 5 year old son jumping all over our house very LOUDLY… when I asked why he replied, “Because it’s LEAP DAY Mom!” Oh how I enjoy the fresh perspective of a 5 year old mind! So simple, sweet, and most of the time funny. Well to celebrate the kids and I are doing a few fun things I wanted to share in hopes it will inspire more Leap Day fun for others too. 

Here is our fun Leap Day pic we took in honor of Noah’s thoughts on what we should be doing on Leap Day!


I also made these fun frog lunches for the kids. I just added green olive eyes to our turkey sandwiches on hamburger buns to make them look like a frog. Then a quick pickle sticking out like a tongue with a raisin on the end to look like it caught a fly. I also added a mini muffin liner filled with more raisins since I know my kids will want more than one raisin. I used white muffin liners thinking they look kind of like a lily on a lily pad. Oh and that was the only color I had in mini muffin liners so it worked out 🙂



Our final bit of Leap Day celebrating will come tonight after dinner, we will be filling out these fun Leap Day Letters to ourselves: Leap Day Letter (click on the link to download and print). We will file them away to be opened and read on our next Leap Year in 2020! Which will be a Saturday, the kids loved hearing the next leap day will not be a school day, I think so they have more time for fun activities.

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Well, that ends how we are celebrating Leap Day this year. I would love to hear your ideas how your family celebrates Leap Day. It is fun to celebrate! Our family has recently moved and it was a long and tedious process. We are finally settled so I hope to get back to my blogging on a regular basis! Be ready for more posts friends 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!



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