DIY, Health

Homemade Vick’s Vapor Rub

My post on my DIY shower vapor discs was so popular yesterday I decided to share my homemade version of Vick’s Vapor Rub. I like Vick’s for its many great uses, but some of the chemicals used in it I try to avoid and the cost is higher than I like to pay. So my version is all natural and much cheaper πŸ™‚


8 Tablespoons of Coconut Oil
10 drops eucalyptus essential oil
10 drops rosemary essential oil
10 drops lavender essential oil


First set up a double boiler by placing a heat safe glass bowl over a small pot with about 1-2 inches of water in it. Make sure the bottom of the glass bowl is just above the top of the water. Bring the water to a strong boil.


Put the 8 Tablespoons of coconut oil in the glass bowl to gently melt.






This will happen pretty quickly. Mine melted in about a minute while stirring constantly. Once melted pull off the heat and add 10 drops of each of the essential oils.


Stir in the essential oils well for even distribution. Then pour into a jar.



I also made a weaker version to use on my kids. I used the same method but the amounts were different. For the kids version: 3 Tablespoons coconut oil, 3 drops of each of the essential oils. Then I poured it into a smaller jar.


I put them in the refrigerator to cool down for a little more than an hour. I left the lids open while cooling so the steam would not be trapped inside.


For coughing we use it on the bottom of our kids feet and then put white cotton socks on them. It works like a charm! Thanks for stopping by πŸ™‚

13 thoughts on “Homemade Vick’s Vapor Rub”

  1. love this, we use vicks quite often on my little guys feet. He has lung disease so we have constant lung issues. Going to make it this week, always looking for ways to do things more naturally and save money.

  2. I made this, however I’m had a problem with the oils mixing. After the coconut oil cooled the EO remained liquid and in pockets within the coconut oil. Did you experience this?

    1. I didn’t… but, I have heard of whipping the coconut oil to make it more creamy and lotion-like. I saw that a friend had whipped hers with her mixer and afterwards it stayed soft and smooth. I might try the whipping after it hardens back up just to make it easier to use. I think it might help with your problem as well.

  3. Will the adult one fit in a old vicks container or a small mason jar? The ones that are about 5 ounces.

  4. Just a thought – I just made a batch and added some oil of oregano. When J had RSV, a friend told me that it helps with coughing. Since J always coughs in conjunction with his congestion, I added it to this batch.

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