craft, Kids, repurpose, stay-at-home-mom

After School Craft: Heart-Shaped Bird Feeder

Usually after preschool my girls come home and get a snack, and then ask for craft time with mommy. Today I had an easy craft ready to go, heart-shaped bird feeders. We took pipe cleaners and I bent them in half forming a v-shape and gave them to the kids with Cheerios. They put Cheerios on each side and then I took them and bent them into a heart shape twisting the two ends together in the middle. I linked them through each other and then hung them from the back porch roof for the birds. We used five hearts for each member of our family 🙂 So simple I had all the stuff and it was easy for the kids to do. They loved it and will enjoy seeing the birds munch on it.


Many Cheerios we eaten and lots of giggles heard so I count it as a winner! Thanks for stopping by 🙂

12 thoughts on “After School Craft: Heart-Shaped Bird Feeder”

  1. Hi! I just wanted to say that I stumbled across your blog from iammommahearmeroar and was blessed beyond measure. You have wonderful ideas, a joyful spirit, and most of all, a heart for Jesus! Thank you for sharing and I’ll be sure to stop back often to read.

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