Birthday Party, cakes, Kids, Reflections

Birthday Party for 2 Sweet Girls

This year we were traveling all around my daughter Bella’s birthday in July. By the time we slowed down enough to have a real party it was almost her older sister’s birthday. So after talking to the girls, they were fine combining their parties into one. They were not budging on a combined theme though. So we threw a half My Little Pony and half Doc McStuffins party!

The pictures tell the story of the party better than I do. 🙂 This is the room before the party.







The food tables. First the Doc food table, I really enjoyed making cute little signs for the food to go along with the theme! We had applesauce with the sign, “An apple a day keeps Doc away!” Then for the sandwiches, “Stuffy-wiches.” I made mini cotton candy balls on paper straws and put a sign on them, “Lambie Tails.” Then for the purple juice a sign that said, “Chilly juice.” There were also purple (since that is a Doc color and Belle’s favorite color) kisses that said, “A kiss for your boo boos.”






The Doc McStuffins side also had chicken nuggets and little cups of honey (Annabelle’s favorite food). I somehow missed getting a picture of them. We got the Dino shaped chicken nuggets since Doc works on stuffed animals, sweet Bella’s idea 🙂

Now for the My Little Pony food table. This table had applesauce also and had a sign that said, “Applejack’s applesauce.” Then rainbow goldfish with a sign saying, “Rainbow Dash’s rainbow fish.” I made a special treat we have for dessert at our house often and the kids beg for that I call banana surprise and its sign said, “Banana Fluff’s Banana Surprise.”







Both sides were pretty cute.



Now for the cakes! Annabelle requested a strawberry Doc McStuffins cake. So here is what I made, a three layer strawberry cake with purple butter cream icing and pink and purple sixlets! I also made some chocolate cupcakes to match for the chocolate cake lover’s at the party. Safe to say she was very happy with it 🙂




Katherine asked for a funfetti rainbow cake in a My Little Pony theme. So here is what I made, a three layer funfetti cake with white butter cream frosting and rainbow sixlets all around it. Again, I added some chocolate cupcakes to match for my fellow chocolate cake lovers. She loved it 🙂 Side note… please excuse the #6 sparkler candle it spun around backwards and I didn’t notice it until after the pic.




The girls each wanted a game to play based on their theme with all of their friends. So for Katie we used the big My Little Pony wall scene for pin the tail on the pony. I cut tails out of multi-colored poster board to match Pinkie Pie’s tail (Kate’s favorite pony). We blindfolded the kids and let them try to pin the tail on the pony the closest. It was cute and fun!

For Bella’s Doc themed game I made up a big game of operation. Instead of a person like in the game we used a teddy bear since Doc only “operates” on stuffed animals :). I cut holes for the kids to reach in with tongs and get out candy. Each child got a take out box to fill with candy also. So it was a game and their favors to take home from the party. I love dual purpose anything! Here are some pics of the game before the party.




The bear is hand drawn by me on foam board, colored and cut out small circles for the candy. The head has the sign, “Airhead” and is a small bowl with little airhead candies inside. The ear is labeled, “Swimmer’s Ear” and has Swedish fish in a small bowl. The elbow is labeled, “Funny Bone” and has laffy taffy in a small bowl. The stomach is labeled, “Sour Tummy” and has sour patch kids in a small bowl. The foot is labeled, “Cold Feet” and has individually wrapped wintergreen lifesavers inside a small bowl. The hand is labeled, “Butterfingers” and has a small bowl full of mini butterfingers candy bars. I think the kids loved it!





So now I have 5 and 6 year old girls. They are growing up so fast! Bella is a quirky, funny, sweet and happy 5 year old. She wants to be a doctor just like Doc McStuffins and loves unicorns. Everyday Bella makes me laugh, she is always making cute jokes or saying funny one-liners. She is a ray of Sunshine in my life. I’ve heard the phrase, “bring your own sunshine.” As long as my Annabelle is with me I have my own sunshine!

Katie is 6! My firstborn baby girl is 6… oh how I wish time would slow down. I have treasured every single bit of her life. Sounds crazy right? Oh but it is true. After all I went through to get this little girl I cherish every last bit, even the hard times. You can read my infertility story here. She is my girly girl, princess, horse loving and sweet girl. All she thinks about all day everyday is HORSES! No seriously, she draws horses, talks about horses, watches shows with horses in them, reads about horses, plays with toy horses, pretends to be a horse and dreams about having her own horse someday. A girl after my own heart!

I am blessed beyond words by these two daughters I was never supposed to have. I thank God daily for their lives and sweet spirits. I just pray to be the best momma I can for them. Thanks for stopping by 🙂

10 thoughts on “Birthday Party for 2 Sweet Girls”

  1. Very creative & super cute. You did a great job, looks like a huge success too! I was curious though, the bottle shape containers that had different color candies, where did you get the containers and are those M&M’s? the glitter Chinese boxes where are those from too? Thanks

  2. Love the ideas of two parties in one!! Love how one party didn’t overpower the other one, you did a great job!!!!

  3. Thanks for this. I’m planning early my daughter’s 2nd birthday party and I may just steal your “Operating” table with the bear. I too love the idea of multipurpose stuff so this will be a gave and loot bag too! I promise I’d link back if I end up doing this. Thanks again!
    -Paulline (

  4. thank you so much for the party ideas. planning my 2 year old’s party and the snacks were great ideas

  5. This double party was amazing looking. My daughter loves both Doc McStuffins and My Little Pony so I’ll be borrowing some ideas for her future parties.

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